Support Tame Valley Park

Our plan for Tame Valley Park will offer new housing and create a community space that will deliver opportunities for walking, cycling, running and allotments on the site of the former Hartshead Power Station and Millbrook Sidings.

If you want to see our plans become a reality, it is important to let Tameside Council know. 

This is a platform for supporters. We will make sure to submit your supportive comments to the Council on your behalf. By completing and submitting your personal data, you agree that your details can be passed to the Local Planning Authority as part of the planning application process. You understand that the Local Planning Authority may make these details public in association with this planning application and that the information may be viewed as part of the inquiry process.

Your data will be held securely by Lexington on behalf of Casey Group in line with data protection regulations. You can view our privacy policy here.
