The Raby Estate has for some time been exploring the potential for the delivery of a new mixed-use village extension at land at Shore Lane, Cressage. The proposals are being brought forward against the background of Shropshire Council’s emerging Local Plan.
Our proposals are being brought forward as the solution to the identified housing need and would be an alternative to the other site being promoted on the opposite side of the village.
Our ambitions for land at Shore Lane, Cressage, are to provide a sustainable development which creates not just new homes but significant benefits for the local community. Our proposals will support the existing fabric of the village by adding new homes, including for young people wishing to stay local, as well as deliver unique flexible working opportunities and green space. We want to deliver a settlement for people to live, work, exercise and enjoy.
Public Consultation – Visit One of Our Exhibitions and Have Your Say
Following a period of public engagement in 2020, where we invited feedback on our plans, we are now progressing the proposals and have submitted a request for a pre-application meeting with officers at Shropshire Council.
We will be launching a pre-application public consultation on Tuesday 2 November to provide the public an opportunity to input into our proposals and raise any queries they may have.
As part of this consultation we will be holding two public exhibitions which residents will be invited to attend. These will be held:
3pm – 7pm, Tuesday 9 November – Cressage Village Hall
3pm – 7pm, Wednesday 10 November – Harley Village Hall
We would encourage you to attend these events, speak to the development team about the plans.
Alternatively, you can have your say on the plans by filling in our feedback form which is available below.
Our ambitions for land at Shore Lane, Cressage would deliver:
1. Up to 80 homes in a variety of styles and sizes delivered with family, elderly living and affordable, energy efficient housing proposed to meet local need;
2. Flexible attractive employment workspaces to be integrated within the residential development including small offices, incubator units and co-working spaces with the aim of creating jobs in Cressage and retaining residents;
3. An area of maintained and landscaped open space between Shore Lane and Wood Lane for the public which should provide a community orchard / amenity space and connect the integrated development to the present core of Cressage;
4. A series of traffic calming measures to help enforce the 30mph speed limit on Shrewsbury Road, for example additional signage and lining with the access delivery. In addition, Raby Estate controls land adjoining the memorial junction and our advisors have explored options to improve the junction if the local authority deemed this offsite improvement necessary then Raby could help to facilitate;
5. The retention of existing trees and hedgerows within the site where possible and an area of green open space within the development area. Additionally, whilst access will be taken from the A458 which will require the removal of sycamore trees which are designated TPO; Raby Estate believes this can be mitigated by environmental gain on other parts of the site.
5. A management company owned and operated by the Raby Estate to maintain and manage all public space and the street scene during and after the development completes, to ensure the quality of place making would not dissolve over time;
6. A single point of contact between Raby Estate and the Parish Council, now and in to the future – this is not a site which will be developed by an anonymous house builder.
The Council’s Local Plan process is ongoing and therefore the conversation around where new homes should be delivered in Cressage is very much still alive. This is why we are bringing forward our proposals at this stage. We believe our plans are a better alternative than the other site being promoted in the village and we’d love to speak to you about this at one of our upcoming events.
We’d love to speak to you about the long term benefits of the plans at one of our public events, taking place at the above times. You can find out more information at these events, but as an overview, the benefits include: long term stewardship; community open space; biodiversity net gain; supporting a rural economy; highways safety and improvements; housing need.