Breedon has submitted a planning application to Doncaster Council to extend the quarry and the lifetime of the existing operations by up to 10 years.
It will also retain and create over 100 quality, local jobs directly at the site and throughout the supply chain. The extension of Holme Hall Quarry will create long-term employment and apprenticeship opportunities for the community. In addition to ensuring over 90% (2-3 million tonnes) of aggregate supply to the entire region per year.
Please take a moment to fill in the form below, which will be sent to Doncaster Council telling them why you support the plans.
Any comments you make may be made public on the council’s planning portal. Your comments will be sent to Doncaster Council’s Planning Department and copied to your local ward councillors. By clicking submit you agree for your comments to be sent.
When writing your reasons for supporting the plans please try and provide as much information as possible.
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