Support Plans For New Homes At Gatley Golf Course!

Our vision for Waterfall Brook is about much more than new homes. We aim to create a great place to live, work, rest and play through the creation of a vibrant, balanced community. Alongside new homes, the plans incorporate usable, green open spaces and community facilities for enjoyment by new and existing residents. In summary, the proposals will deliver:

·       Around 250 – 300 high-quality new homes in a range of sizes and styles to cater to different local housing needs, including one to four-bedroom properties. This will include up to 50% of the homes delivered being affordable properties (including affordable rent)

·       Smaller properties, bungalows and apartments will also be provided suitable for older people or those looking to downsize, which will also help to release larger family homes to the wider market

·       Safeguard biodiversity and nature conservation by retaining existing features, providing extensive areas of publicly accessible open space and recreational facilities, including a multi-use games area, bowling green, tennis courts and biodiversity trails.

·       Provide a link to Rose Vale Park to the south of the site and deliver enhanced children’s play facilities, as well as improved pedestrian and cycle links throughout the site to enhance accessibility and connections to the wider area.

·       Deliver primary vehicular access points at Pymgate Lane to the west and new access points at Grasmere Road and Troutbeck Road to the east. 

·       A substantial economic boost for local businesses, as well as employment opportunities during the construction phase and both directly and in-directly through the supply chain

Please take a moment to fill in the form below, which will be sent to Stockport Council telling them why you support the plans.

Any comments you make may be made public on the council’s planning portal.  Your comments will be sent to Stockport Council’s Planning Department and copied to your local ward councillors. By clicking submit you agree for your comments to be sent.

When writing your reasons for supporting the plans please try and provide as much information as possible.