Watson Homes has exciting plans to regenerate the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal in Little Lever and bring new homes to Bolton. Alongside bringing the canal back into use, Watson Homes will create new woodland and waterside walks for the local community to enjoy. The proposals also include a range of homes that will be provided in different sizes and styles to cater to local housing needs.
If you think these plans are a good idea and want to see the canal regenerated and new homes brought to Bolton, it is important to let Bolton Council know.
This is a platform for supporters, therefore all supportive messages will be redirected to the Local Authority on your behalf. Any comments you make may be made public on the council’s planning portal.
By completing and submitting your personal data, you agree that your details can be passed to the Local Planning Authority as part of the planning application process. You understand that the Local Planning Authority may make these details public in association with this planning application following submission.